Medical Information

An overview of medical options in Costa Rica

This section offers an overview of medical care options, both emergency and non-emergency, and medical insurance in Costa Rica and particularly as it relates to our immediate area -- the greater Grecia, Sarchi and Naranjo communities. Unless noted, information comes from our editor, Don Davis.

We hope you find this section a great place to begin gathering info on medical facilities, emergency medical transport options, medicine, and health insurance.  Please feel free to inform us when you are in receipt of additional new, different or updated information for this section.

Please note we have separate sections for Professional Medical Services, and Health and Wholistic Healing services

This section covers information on:
US Embassy Health Alerts (immediately below)

And also links to generic information about:
Vision care

Most recent update is June 27, 2024.

Screwworm in Costa Rica
June 21, 2024

This week, the first human death in Costa Rica attributed to the New World screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) infection since at least the 1990s was reported. While screwworms mainly affect animals, this unfortunate fatality was the 7th confirmed case of screwworm infestation in humans in Costa Rica since the pest returned to the country in 2023. The fatality was the result of an infestation in a person with a disability; the other six cases all recovered. This health alert contains information about screwworms, as they pose a risk to both humans and animals.

How Screwworms Infest: Female Screwworm flies lay their eggs in the living tissue of warm-blooded hosts. Within hours the eggs hatch into small larvae that feed on the surrounding tissue, causing a condition known as myiasis. Screwworm flies predominantly affect cattle, but frequently affect dogs (15 percent of all screwworm cases in Costa Rica) and occasionally affect humans.

Key Information to Stay Vigilant

1. Identifying the Screwworm Fly:

  • Color: Bluish-green body with a metallic sheen and orange eyes.
  • Size: Approximately 8-10 mm in length, double the size of a regular house fly.
  • Behavior: Prefers laying eggs on wounds, mucous membranes, or moist body areas.
2. Signs of Screwworm Infestation:

  • Wounds: Rapidly enlarging wounds with a foul odor.
  • Maggots: Presence of larvae (maggots) in wounds, burrowing into tissue.
  • Animal Symptoms: Restlessness, reduced feeding, and noticeable discomfort in pets. Wounds increase in size and produce a strong, unpleasant odor.
  • Human Symptoms: Unexplained skin lesions do not heal and appear to worsen over time, painful, and maggots in open sores. There’s fever if a secondary infection occurs.
When to Seek Medical Attention

For Humans:
  • If you notice unusual wounds or lesions that worsen or contain maggots.
  • If you experience severe pain, redness, swelling, or infection in any wound.
For Pets:
  • If your animals have open wounds that are not healing or appear infested with maggots.
  • If your animals exhibit signs of distress, lack of appetite, or unusual behavior.

Prevention Tips
  • Keep wounds clean and covered to prevent fly exposure.
  • Use fly control measures, particularly in areas where animals are kept.
  • Regularly check pets and livestock for wounds or infestations.
  • Contact your local health department, our Health Unit or Veterinarian immediately if an infestation is suspected. Also contact the National Animal Health Service (SENASA) via WhatsApp at 8966 6780 and send them the location, photos, video and any descriptive information about the suspected case.
U.S. Embassy San Jose
Calle 98 Via 104, Pavas, San Jose, Costa Rica
Emergency Phone: +506 2519-2000
Non-emergency inquiries:
Website: or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Contact the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs
1-888-407-4747 toll-free from the United States and Canada
1-202-501-4444 from other countries
Enroll in Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security updates

Ambulance Services

The ambulance services in our area include national public as well as private services. They are not easy to find and I appreciate all of the help I've received on this topic from my insurance agent, QP subscribers and friends. Also note that public and private ambulance services will take you to different places.

Cruz Roja
The Cruz Roja ambulance services in our area, wherever they may be, are limited to taking you to the nearest CAJA hospital for medical treatment. Cruz Roja drivers and assistants (if there are any assistants on your ride) are not required to be EMTs, they are only required to pass a first-aid course every five years. You will find the Cruz Roja phone numbers for Grecia and Sarchi (along with other emergency and public access numbers) here.

Private Ambulance Services
If you want to be taken to a private hospital or facility, Cruz Roja is not an option. There are private ambulance services that will transport you where you want to be taken.

In Naranjo, try T. Asiste Medicos, 2451 4848. They claim to have EMTs, which can certainly be a benefit in an emergency. 
Their Facebook page: more information.

There is an emergency medical transport service of which I was familiar when we lived near Atenas, Emergencias Medicas (phone: 2290 4444). It's been around for 19 years and thanks to QP subscriber, Joan Dewar, I now know its service District 16 includes the Grecia and Sarchi communities, reference their site (in Spanish): Inicio - Emergencias Médicas (
This ambulance service claims to have a "medico" on board (assume here it is a trained EMT).

Linea Vital services Atenas (and Quepos, if you're down that way), check out their website at  Linea Vital Costa Rica (

T. Asiste Medicos in Naranjo does also serve Sarchi residents and I am pretty sure T. Asiste Medicos would also provide transport for Grecia residents. (The caveat here is, other than the T. Asiste ambulances in Naranjo, I am not certain where the Emergencias Medicas vehicles are based and arrival times with any of these services may vary greatly.)

updated 8/8/2022

Another Perspective on Cruz Roja

by Harv Brinson

"As a ten year resident of this strange and lovely country, with the last seven years here in the coffee groves above San Ramon, I would like to comment on the idea that the Cruz Roja ambulance service may be less than adequate. I have had my 70-plus year-old raggedy ass transported from my home to the hospital in San Ramon twice and my wife, who is Tica, once and our granddaughter one time. The folks (at least two, and once three) were attentive, they had a portable heart monitor and blood pressure cuff that they knew how to use, they arrived within fifteen minutes, and the trip to the hospital was made safely and expeditiously. Five years ago, a horse I was riding reared and went over backwards, pinning me briefly to the ground, causing considerable ligament trauma. Fortunately, my head, the hardest and most resilient body part I have, was unscathed. The ambulance arrived from San Ramon to Piedades Sur within a half hour. I was checked by the EMT's to determine if it was safe to move me, and my wife and I were taken to the hospital.

Six years ago, I was rescued by the Costa Rica Coast guard several miles off Manuel Antonio when the motor quit and my guide and I were headed for Japan (Tip: Never go to sea with a Nicaraguan in a borrowed Panga with an outboard motor that says "Tohatsu"). When the Costa guys and I arrived at the dock, the Cruz Roja ambulance was waiting, and the EMT's were so crestfallen when I declined medical attention, that I almost faked a fainting spell just so they could come to the rescue. Real nice folks.

So - my advice is: Drop into your local Cruz Roja station (there is one in Grecia near the stadium). Give 'em twenty bucks as a donation and ask the person in charge if you could see inside one of the ambulances. Ask about the nature of the equipment and training and any other pertinent subjects, in a friendly and open manner. You will be treated respectfully, and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised by what you encounter."

Thanks, Harv. I might suggest that both the perspective previously presented and the one Harv elaborates above may be accurate--it's Costa Rica after all. It is possible where you reside or are located when a Cruz Roja ambulance is required might be the determining factor in the kind or response and service you receive. However, Harv's suggestion is a great one: stop into your local Cruz Roja station and check it out.

updated 8/8/2022
Medical Care

Private Hospitals in the Central Valley

Here is a list of private hospitals (and the province in which they are located in the Central Valley) that participate, fully or partially, in INS' private network of healthcare providers:

  • Hospital Cima, Escazu;
  • Hospital Clinica Biblica, San Jose;
  • Hospital Clinica Catolica, San Jose;
  • Hospital Metropolitano, San Jose (plus three other hospitals throughout Costa Rica);
  • Hospital Universitario Unibe, San Jose;
  • Hospital Clinica Santa Rita (specialty hospital), San Jose;
  • Hospital Jerusalem, San Jose;
  • Hospital Cooperativo San Carlos Borromeo (general surgery), Alajuela;
  • Hospital la California, San Jose;
  • plus Hospital Clinico San Rafael Archangel, Guanacaste.
In addition, there are any number of private clinics, physicians, specialists, pharmacies, therapy centers and urgent care facilities that also participate. However, the vast majority are located where the population is centered-in or near San Jose. Our healthcare professionals in Grecia, Sarchi and Naranjo will be honored by the program, but at a higher copay.

updated 18/1/2024

Private Medical Healthcare within Costa Rica

Up until just a short time ago, INS (the government-owned insurance company) was the only major private health insurance provider in Costa Rica. There were/are also a couple of other pricey European carriers operating here. The market has been opened a bit wider and several U.S.-based carriers, Blue Cross and Cigna, in particular, are now offering private health plans (other carriers may soon follow). I have few specifics on the new players, but I'm certain you can Google them for more information.

All private health carriers require pre-approval physicals and lab tests and their policies are subject to pre-existing condition exclusions. The Association of Residents of Costa Rica, ARCR, offers an annual group medical insurance policy with INS. Pricing is based on your age (new participants are capped at age 75). If you are an ARCR member, have applied through ARCR, and have qualified for the policy, the discount off of the listed annual premium (depending on your age)is quite substantial. (ARCR had this program closed for awhile, but according to their in-house INS office, it is available to new participants once again.) Editor's personal note: my May 2016 annual renewal included raising the annual premium by almost 50% and increasing the annual deductible from $300 to $500. Coupled with the paltry compensation I received for covered services in the year I was a client, I decided not to renew for 2016. If you decide to participate in INS private coverage, I hope your experience will be more pleasant and fruitful than mine. (Also, see below.)

Our Costa Rican Private Health Insurance Application.....Do not expect everything to necessarily be smooth and easy during the private medical insurance application process. In fact, I think the bureaucrats at insurance companies in the U.S. and Costa Rica are trained from the same manual on how to be difficult, negative and inflexible. Ours was a sobering experience with our application for private medical insurance through INS. It may not be like the one you had or may have if you apply, but it was extremely frustrating, time consuming and expensive for us to comply with the INS application process. In the end although we fit within their requirements, we were convinced that they did not have much interest in insuring us because of our age and they did everything possible to discourage us and keep us from qualifying.

As members of ARCR, we initially applied for private medical insurance through ARCR's discounted group policy in October 2014. It took a bit of time to get things scheduled, but we completed our required physical and lab tests in San Jose on November 6 of last year, the costs of which were paid for by INS. I'd like to say that from here on it went smoothly, but that would be grossly inaccurate. It was pretty much of a nightmare from that point forward.

In December, we learned that the results of our exams and tests produced some out-of-the-norm results that would require some specialist consultations and retesting in order for us to be accepted on the ARCR group policy. From this point forward, all time and cost invested were on our nickel. We knew the exclusions they listed were absolutely unfounded and decided to prove it. For months, it was jumping through one hoop then another until finally in April we were approved--with medical policy exclusions: exclusions we felt largely invalidated the worth of being covered. Our coverage also came with a large frontend payment and a higher annual premium than the other group policyholders paid.

We again decided to fight the exclusions INS had placed on our policy and after numerous additional tests, appointments with specialists, handfuls of doctor's letters (stamped, of course), and about $700 out of pocket, we were able to get the large up-front payment removed, the higher premium removed and get me approved without exclusion. However, even with exams and letters from two specialists, my wife's exclusion remained. After a long discussion we decided to have me covered and decline coverage for her, which took a letter of explanation from me as to why she was declining coverage in order to have her removed from my policy. (It was an easy letter to for me to write.)

Going forward, my wife will use CAJA and we have started a savings account dedicated for any of her upcoming private medical expenses. Last week, ten months after our application, I finally received my INS insurance card. If you persevere and have the time and money, you too may be able to get private group medical insurance. We initially applied before the U.S.-based private coverage was available. In hindsight, maybe we should have given up and self-insured, but we're retired and had the time and inclination to slay the giant.

Another Private Healthcare Option--Medismart

In addition to international medical insurance sources there is another private medical insurance option, MediSmart, offered by the Hospital Metropolitano chain--the main hospital is located in San Jose not far from Paseo Colon. For $15 per couple per month, $10 per individual, (there are no pre-existing condition disqualifications in this program), subscribers are offered discounts on virtually every type medical procedure and product except ambulance service. Discounts range from 20 to 80% for virtually all types of visits, tests, prescriptions, and procedures including dentistry, audiology and optical.

The ladies at the front desk that signed us up spoke English and set us up on a monthly autopay, but knowing some Spanish, as always, would be a plus. Take the bus and a taxi or drive--there's free parking.

For more info:;  or to subscribe, call 2528-5400 or email

Updated 18/1/2024

General Medical and Insurance Observations

Below is a response to the previous "Our Costa Rican private health insurance application.....". It is excellent food for thought for all of us on our medical coverage options here in Costa Rica.

by Christopher Clarke

Your piece on your experiences with INS insurance was interesting. This is shared to give an additional perspective:

Being of retirement age when we came here, we expected to be subject to medical tests in applying for private insurance in CR and, indeed, had a significant restriction on one policy, after the tests. Making a profit  is a key mission of private insurers. Any commercial private insurer in the world would: require such tests and make related exclusions; charge higher premiums and in some cases raise co-pays and exclude an excess, say the first $400. This is because as we get older we present greater actuarial risks of age related conditions.

Indeed, we were surprised that INS was less rigorous than many international, privately owned insurers. INS is a state owned organization and suffers from the resulting lack of "commercial-ness" one expects from such enterprises, sometimes to the benefit of the consumer. Sadly, we know many gringos that have deliberately concealed prior conditions, to avoid exclusions, etc. That is insurance fraud. We have been here around four years. So far, we have had almost as much paid out by INS as we have paid in, so we can hardly complain. We have also spent a fair bit on private health care besides that.

Ivy and I have recently returned from  three months in the UK. I became ill whilst there and 'benefited' from both their social and private medicine. From that and our experiences of living in the US and Asia and as advisers to international health care businesses and socially funded operations of various sorts over the years: (insurers, medical test labs, medical equipment suppliers, private and public hospitals etc.), we observe the following with regards to Costa Rica.

  1. Costa Rica is a very low-cost provider of health care to expats, both through INS and CAJA. Our annual joint premium for INS is less than we paid monthly for private insurance in the US. The US insurer was increasing its premium at a rate of 15% or more each year.
  2. CAJA is an incredibly good deal for older expats and those with pre-existing conditions. There are no medical examinations or checking prior history. Frankly, CR is nuts to offer expats coverage like that. It opens the floodgates to those who come for cheap medical coverage. We are amazed that any older expats, who use CAJA grumble about the cost. To us, it seems they are exploiting a near bankrupt, poor country's naivety and lack of commercial sense.
  3. Those who do not use CAJA have more grounds for complaint. We view it as a tax, (as just another source of government income). It helps the locals get rudimentary health care. In emergency, it is there for us too.
  4. As to standards of care, expats seem to forget that CR is a developing country. Average incomes are six times lower than they are in the US. As a result, many things, including social health care, are of commensurate standards and much lower than those in developed countries. Reasonably, one should expect nothing else. We have friends who laud their CAJA health care experiences, especially for emergency treatment and serious operations. Others are unhappy. If you go to other countries of comparable development you will find similar standards of care to CR. On the other hand, those who can afford to would be wise to go private. Then standards are more international. They are much less expensive than in developed countries. Of course in such a small and less developed country, we do not have top research hospitals for specialist care. 
  5. Most countries with social medicine suffer the same problems as CAJA. These are typical of most state operated organizations. They include: long waiting lists, favoring those with connections and greater education; slow service; excessive bureaucracy and layers of management; heavy unionization blocking reform; spending ever more and always exceeding budgets. This last is partly caused by retired and demanding expats, with little or no experience of systems elsewhere in the developing world. In all countries, the rich get better social medicine than the poor and the answer to that might be to exclude them from getting the service. Prior to arrival, they have contributed nothing in taxes. Many Ticos consider this a scandal would like the government to do something about it.

It is worth remembering that legal immigrants to the US and most other developed countries also have many hoops to jump through. Many of these apply to healthcare services. These countries are not stupid enough to allow anyone in to simply leach off their cash strapped social medicine.

Lastly, it is amusing that it is often those from the US (which is taking its first stumbling steps toward public healthcare) that are the loudest critics of the CR system."

updated 18/1/2024


Let's discuss the national medical program that all expat residents are required to "join" and pay into monthly, CAJA Costarricense de Seguro Social, or just CAJA as it is commonly known. If you are a retired U.S. citizen, the amount you and your spouse pay monthly is based on the monthly U.S. Social Security retirement payment received by the family "breadwinner". If you are not retired--on disability or too young for Social Security and are applying for "rentero" status, for instance, it is a bit more complicated, but the Federal Benefits Unit (FBU) at the U.S. Embassy here can assist (actually you will be required to get their help to get the proper paperwork if you are just in the process of getting your Costa Rican residency). I am not well-informed enough to provide accurate information if you are Canadian or of some other nationality, but I assume your resources and requirements are similar.

I am not personally acquainted with CAJA, but I am told that the care, diagnostic testing, procedures and surgery can be quite excellent depending on where you receive your care. However, the waiting list queue for certain testing and surgeries, even for serious conditions, can be extremely lengthy--sometimes years. If you have been diagnosed with a serious disease and told you have only months to live if not treated immediately and you are put on a two-year wait list for treatment--CAJA becomes a big obstacle to the ongoing celebration of birthdays. Some people find the CAJA system of medical care quite acceptable, others not so much. 

There was a time not long ago if you had a private doctor that was also a part of the CAJA system, during your private visit they could prescribe lab tests, diagnostic procedures, therapy, or prescriptions through the CAJA system and also help get you priority processing. There are still many doctors who both have private practices and also are part of CAJA. (We have even heard from one QP subscriber couple that their physician told them all doctors must participate in the CAJA program.) The government said it was cracking down on the practice of preferential scheduling and that it would no longer be possible. So in order to be assured of getting a same-day appointment to be seen by a doctor at the major CAJA clinics in Grecia, Sarchi or Naranjo, you must be in the appointment line there before 6AM that morning. (The practice of an early-AM queue for getting appointments is less objectionable for Costa Ricans as they usually enlist a relative or friend to stand in line for them if they are ill, but it's typically not an viable option for most gringos.) (The Ebais system is slowly changing to allow for making appointments online, depending on the area.)

If you have recurring medical care, this process must be repeated each time you need to see a doctor and, I understand, that you have no guarantee of being seen by the same physician as the last time you were in for care for the same ailment. Every barrio and community is also supposed to have its own CAJA mini-clinic that is open only one or two times a week. If you live in that community, you are required to go there first for your initial treatment if they are open. If they are closed, then head for the large clinic early to get your appointment.

New! Grecia has opened a new CAJA clinic downtown, located 100 meters west of the bomberos (fire department - same side of the street - 23/4/2024). 

updated 23/4/2024
Laboratory Clinics


In Grecia on the truck route street, 100 meters south of Pali market.
Xrays, sonogram, variety of radiography tests.

Updated 18/1/2024
Laboratory - Blood Work

Laboratorio Clínico Dr. José María Jiménez

Located 50 meters east of Pali on the same side of the street as the metal church.

posted 18/1/2024

Clinica Medica Sanchez   

Clinica Medica Sanchez is a full-service medical clinic, offering lab services, x-ray, ultrasound, odontology, optical care, a pharmacy, and general medicine. 

They also offer service to your home.

Located on the east side of Grecia, 4 blocks from the Bank of Costa Rica.

posted 18/1/2024

Magna Medical Clinic, CIMA Hospital, Escazu

By Bill Zastrow
I want to recommend people who have an interest in private medical imaging services, Magna Medical Clinic in Tower 3 at CIMA Hospital Escazu..

Home - Magna Médica (

My wife and I had digital x rays taken and the service and results were superior to other x ray clinics we have used. Magna uses digital x rays that allows zooming in on parts of the xray and seeing the image much better than the film x ray we have taken at other clinics. They email you a link to view the images online within a day of the x ray being taken. As an added value I asked for and they gave me a USB thumb drive with the image application and the imagines. I used this to hardcopy print xrays images to my doctor in the USA providing added IT security.

The magna staff seemed to have staff much more willing to converse in English that made it an added value for us. Magna had the images reviewed by a radiologist and emailed a written report within 36 hours and sent the digital xrays to our doctor. The price at Magna was a bit higher than other clinics we've used, but the whole experience was the best we have had in 8 years in Costa Rica.

posted 2/4/2024
Patient Advocate Jon Graham

Patient Advocate - Jon Graham   ✔✔✔

by Jane Howe

I would like to introduce a much needed service provided by my friend, nurse extrordinaire, Jon Graham. In fact, if there is one gift I could give to my fellow expats in the Grecia/Sarchi area, this is it.

Jon has been a nurse for 35 years in the US, most recently as a cardiac nurse, but before that as director of nursing in hospice. For the last thirteen years, he has commuted between San Jose, California, and Costa Rica, spending one month working in the US, then living here for the opposite months. He is fluent in Spanish; more importantly, fluent in MEDICAL Spanish, and he thoroughly understands the Costa Rican culture. He has now retired and would like to continue helping people.

Many of you know that my husband and my good friend both died within the last year. Jon was INVALUABLE help and I could not have handled it without him. He has taken my husband to the emergency room while I was gone, was always willing to evaluate treatments, recommended medications to the doctors in the Grecia hospital for Kathleen, which the doctors used. He was able to get past the “dragons” (the guards who insist you can only visit between 3-5), arriving at 7 in the morning to consult with doctors. He accompanied to Alajuela for testing, and was always willing to talk to medical personnel and interpret findings.

Jon is caring, competent, not an alarmist (helpful in terrifying situations), and very willing to help expats, whether they need accompaniment to a consultation, find themselves unexpectedly hospitalized or in an emergency situation, need to understand their options, or need an advocate in the hospital (really important).He has worked with the director of palliative care here in Grecia, who is very interested in having his help with English patients.  His fees are determined by what you need, but are very reasonable. He is very easy to talk with and very fair. I don’t mean to offend, but he has more experience than many of the newer doctors working at the hospitals, and has a way of communicating with them in a non-threatening manner.

So, do yourselves a favor and write down his email, consult with him, because when the chips are down, we are all in a foreign land, and even the best Spanish can fly out the window when you are ill or frightened.

Updated 18/1/2024


Prescriptions written by a CAJA physician during a clinic appointment or hospital stay are filled at no cost on-site. It is good to note that sometimes the medications prescribed and filled there can be, how can we say this, "at less-than-optimal strength" or may be substituted for a "less-than-effective" or generic alternative. It is more-than possible that the perfect pharmaceutical solution is unavailable or not covered by CAJA.

Private pharmacies that are on practically every corner have access to a modern selection of drugs, but you are apt to find no bargains on price. My personal experience is their pricing is quite similar or even higher than what you will find in the U.S. If you are covered by private insurance or are member of a medical discount program, pharmacies at an affiliated hospital may offer some discounted pricing. Also, I have been informed that the Senior Citizens' Gold Card (Ciudadano de Oro) and available from your local Seguro Social office to all legal residents over the age of 65, also offers discounts at participating pharmacies.

The new government is working to reduce prescription costs for citizens - more will be revealed.

Updated 8/8/2022

Addiction Resources including tobacco

Alert reader Amy Rogers sent us a link to this English language site that is based in the US. While there are some resources in Costa Rica, this site has a lot of very useful information.

Another useful resource is Alcohol Rehab Help at: Alcohol Rehab Help.
Alcohol Rehab Help provides free resources and information to help struggling individuals & families get their lives back on track.
The website does not host any form of advertisement and is free from corporate influence.
All content published on Alcohol Rehab Help is fact-based and original. It is all sourced from current scientific research, ensuring content is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date with current research and addiction terminology.

We have also recently received this link for folks that are trying to kick tobacco:
AND we have another resource to share on this topic:
Updated 8/8/2022

General Covid information

Regardless of public opinion, Covid-19 and its variants are still manifesting in Costa Rica. The current wave is receding, although we are waiting to see what the results of thousands of people celebrating the Day of the Virgen (August 2) in Cartago will bring, whether it was indeed a 'super spreader' event or not. While vaccines are no longer mandatory, they are definitely still available and being promoted along with influenza and pneumonia vaccines, especially for at-risk populations. Fourth booster shots are now available, go to your local Ebais (health clinic) to inquire about this voluntary booster, or check in with your physician.  (8/8/2022)

Social Distancing and Precautions   The most important action: wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds frequently at home (and away, if possible—if not, use hand sanitizer). If you go out, in addition to social distancing, be sure to take all recommended precautions. Our editor one of those in the at-risk demographic. He goes out full gear with a face mask and my extremities are completely covered "(I also carry a re-sealable plastic bag with disinfectant wipes and I carry hand sanitizer). I also avoid touching any surfaces with my hands. And, I especially avoid touching my face (mouth, nose, and eyes)."  When you come back home, be sure to follow cleaning protocols - clean your shoes, clothes, self. Be sure to clean anything you may have touched on the way in and out of your house. Every time you exit your car, don't forget to disinfect door handles, steering wheel, gear-shift knob and other surfaces you may have touched inside your car and then go inside, remove your gloves, and WASH YOUR HANDS!
Finally practice 2-meter social distancing when in public. DO NOT touch others (perhaps, elbow bumping is allowed). People are still dying from this scourge, even if we are bored and done with thinking about it! 

NOTE: The US Embassy released a statement today 8/8/2022 asking the public to be on high alert regarding monkeypox - so remember, if it is not one thing, it's another. And much is avoidable if you take precautions.

updated 8/8/2022

Select First Aid Information

A good site to educate yourself about serious bleeding and what to do:

Updated 8/8/2022

General health and preventive care information

Another link to a good site with general health information, especially with regards to preventive care. English language.

General prescription drug information

Que Pasa received a request from RXDangers to provide a link to their site. It may contain information that readers will find useful.
RXDangers provides an online database with drug recall news, and provides comprehensive, unbiased information about serious side effects, complications, and interactions of commonly prescribed drugs.

Updated 8/8/2022

General Vision care Information

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 12 million people 40 years and over in the US have vision impairment. 1 million are blind, 3 million have vision impairment after correction, and 8 million have vision impairment due to uncorrected refractive error.

Vision Center is an informational web guide created for those seeking eye surgery and other vision correction options. All content published on Vision Center is researched, written, and edited by licensed optometrists, experienced journalists, and other medical writers in the industry. All pages on their website are fact-based and sourced from recent scientific research, scholarly articles, textbooks, government agencies, and medical journals. The website also does not host any form of advertisement.

Check out their site:

Updated 8/8/2022