Things to do in the Grecia area - Classes, meetings, and more

Blooms - Women's group

Contact Diane to sign up for our monthly newsletter - You can unsubscribe at any time!! We look forward to meeting you!
There is a Buddhist book club that meets in Atenas every Sunday at 1:30pm It is non religious and non sectarian and has excellent free wheeling discussions. Those interested should contact Adrian Baksa.

Zoom support group for Caregivers of Partners with Dementia
This is a new group that aims to offer support to expats that are caring for a spouse/partner that has or is developing dementia. The group meets via Zoom on Saturdays at 11 a.m.
Nothing takes the Pura Vida out of living in Costa Rica faster than when a loved one begins demonstrating cognitive decline or dementia symptoms. Without family living in the country, one can feel very alone and frightened about what to do. This is further complicated if you live in outlying rural areas where no resources are available, and if there are, they are hard to find. 
This online support group is here to help you to know you aren’t alone. We have once-a-week meeting where you can share your feelings and challenges with others in similar situations. Confidentiality is foremost. The group includes those caring for someone with dementia or cognitive challenges and ex-pats who want to bring their loved ones here from other countries. We will invite dementia professionals as guest speakers for some meetings to include an educational aspect and information on available resources.  
Contact: If you are interested in participating in the zoom meetings or just keep informed, contact Connie Sandlin, Admin, Expat Dementia Support-Costa Rica (on Facebook), WhatsApp 8638-2838, email, or Fatima Shivji at whatsapp 506-6358-6242.

Grecia AlAnon - 2444-1515. English-language meeting. Call for schedule.

Grecia AA - There is a solution: English Speaking Meetings on Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, noon-1 pm. The AA clubhouse is located around the corner from the fire station. 

ATENAS MINDFULNESS MEDITATION GROUP, Path of Joy Sangha, based in Atenas, and led by Barbara (Barb) Moss, Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, invites you to attend virtual sessions on Tuesday and Saturday mornings. We are a secular, drop-in meditation group, based on the Vipassana or Insight tradition of Buddhism. Our practice consists of meditation, teaching talks (Tuesdays only), and sharing. Please visit the Path of Joy Sangha Facebook Page or email barbsmss@gmail.for details, and the link to the Zoom meeting room. Barb Moss, 8358-7273
Updated 1/22/2023

Recycling Grecia proper has recycling by the stadium, Thursday. Most of the local villages have their own recycling center set up near the center of the district. Pickup time varies but is fairly regular. They accept all types of plastic containers, metal containers, glass containers, Tetrapak boxes (e.g., juice, milk, wine containers), cardboard, paper (newspapers, magazines, office paper, etc). It's a fantastic service to the community and deserves our support.

Non-traditional garbage pickup  This is something that occurs 2 or 3 times per year. The municipalidad puts out a press release with dates for the various districts. So if you wonder why you occasionally see piles large piles of plastic garbage, sinks, or tires, this is why.  Dates will appear on our Upcoming Events page.

Small electronics recycling - The Claro store in the Grecia Mall has a container next to their caja where you can leave old phones, old phone chargers, earphones, even TV remotes, for recycling. You can also do this at the ICE office in Grecia.

Writer's Group - Escazu - There are many aspiring Hemingways and Shakespeares in Costa Rica and various writer’s groups they can join. There is a good one that meets in Escazu on the third Thursday of each month, (Not December). Members include editors, those knowledgeable about places to get high quality printing and of course various types of writers. Writers from Grecia, Atenas and other areas attend. For more information contact Bob Brashers.

Yoga Classes - Click here for info

Catholic Gringos who are interested in Catholic Services in English in Atenas are invited to contact Dave Davis, he is compiling an email list. His group has Church approval to do a communion service with prayers and Eucharistic Service in English as well as a Mass with a translator etc. You can reach Dave at 8759 3433.